Dec 23, 2019
In the world of tax law, words have statutorily set definitions or
are interpreted by judges using precedent and reason. Annette
Nellen, Esq., CPA, CGMA, walks us through four recent decisions by
the U.S. Tax Court to show how the precise application of a word or
phrase can make a world of...
Dec 18, 2019
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made tax accounting easier for many
businesses with average annual gross receipts of $25 million or
less (inflation-adjusted to $26 million for 2019). The benefits
include the cash method of accounting, exemption from UNICAP rules,
exemption from some inventory accounting requirements, and...
Dec 16, 2019
What’s the latest on a new licensure model proposed by the National
Association of State Boards of Accountancy and the AICPA? This
podcast episode gets you caught up.
Nov 25, 2019
With mergers-and-acquisitions activity on the upswing and Baby
Boomers retiring in large numbers, many owners are now looking to
exit their businesses. Fentress Seagroves, deals partner for the
U.S. with PwC, outlines the steps business owners can take to
ensure a successful transition and discusses the many ways CPAs...
Nov 18, 2019
New technologies with the power to reshape accounting, such as data
analytics, are emerging all the time. Rich Gallagher, CPA, senior
director of content for the AICPA Examinations team, explains how
the CPA Exam is able to keep up with such...